My thoughts on: Exodus 14-20
This very song of praise is sung in Revelations:
- In the impossible situation, when the Israelites faced annihilation, the Lord (the man of war) fought for them and threw the Egyptians (a mighty force- in strength, manpower, and military advancement, when compared to the Israelite slaves) into the sea.
- He (the Lord) is glorious.
- He is merciful.
- He guides us (the redeemed), accompanies us, and plants us in the appropriate place which He Himself has made for us to dwell in (the Sanctuary).
- He does wonders.
- He triumphs.
- He is our strength.
- He is our song.
- He is our salvation.
- He overthrows those that rise up against Him.
But the Israelites start grumbling again, when they reach the bitter waters of Marah after not finding water for three days. But the Lord uses a natural object (a tree’s bark) to transform the bitter water into a sweet one.
He also gives the following 3 guidelines for those who want prevention, healing, and deliverance from the plagues and diseases:-
- listen to His commandments,
- obey His commandments, and
- do what is right according to Lord’s views.
Then, they reach the very fertile Elim.
Even though the Lord takes care of them, the Israelites persist in grumbling, especially when they reminiscence about the culinary delights at Egypt. The Lord listens to their grumblings, and sustains them in the desert, for 40 years, by sending the ‘daily bread’ (and not more) of manna and quails, of which only a specific amount should be collected (to see if the Israelites obey Him). More of Lord’s glory is shown to strengthen their faith.
The Lord takes care of our needs (spiritual, physical, and material), but provides only the essential amount of that which is absolutely indispensable, i.e He doesn’t give us more than we need. But even when times are tough, when our faith is buffeted, we should trust that He will provide for us- daily, monthly, and annually. In our lives, Jesus is our manna (as he says in John 6: 48-51).
Again, the Israelites complain when they reach a droughty place. Water is provided out of a rock when it was smote with Moses’ staff.
The question is whether they should have complained? Should they have trusted that the Lord will provide?
The power of the staff/prayer is again demonstrated in Joshua’s battle against Amalek.
Although he was not an Israelite, Jethro perceives God’s power, and makes burnt offerings. Jethro’s advices are heeded by Moses. Sometimes, God does use humans to guide us!
God protects and delivered us. But if we obey and keep God’s commandments, He will:
- consider us as a peculiar treasure over all the inhabitants of the world. For the earth is the Lord’s.
- make us into a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation.
The Lord’s presence makes any place holy.
God gives the Ten Commandments.
The first four commandments are about us loving the God who loves us. Our love for Him should be exclusive and reverential.
1. God delivered the Israelites out of slavery and a hopeless state (as for us, we have been delivered out of the slavery of sin and the disillusionment of a corporeal life). We should have no other gods apart from Him. Therefore, we should not worship other deities, nor should we have any influence/factors in our lives which occupies a higher position (than God).
2. We should not make any graven images (i.e any sculptures, resembling any object- alive or otherwise), worship (or even bow before it), or serve these. In our modern lives, we may not worship graven images, but their position might be occupied by anything (e.g. money, status) which we give much importance to.
3. We shouldn’t take the name of the Lord in vain (as someone who often exclaims ‘Oh my God’….. I feel quite guilty!).
4. We should remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
The next six commandments relate to our love for others- our parents, husbands/wives, and neighbours.
5. We should honour our father and mother, in order to get long life.
6. We should not murder.
7. We should not commit adultery.
8. We should not steal.
9. We should not give false witness.
10. We should not covet anything of anyone.
Jesus summarised the 10 commandments into two:
- Love the Lord,
- Love thy neighbour.
This very song of praise is sung in Revelations:
- In the impossible situation, when the Israelites faced annihilation, the Lord (the man of war) fought for them and threw the Egyptians (a mighty force- in strength, manpower, and military advancement, when compared to the Israelite slaves) into the sea.
- He (the Lord) is glorious.
- He is merciful.
- He guides us (the redeemed), accompanies us, and plants us in the appropriate place which He Himself has made for us to dwell in (the Sanctuary).
- He does wonders.
- He triumphs.
- He is our strength.
- He is our song.
- He is our salvation.
- He overthrows those that rise up against Him.
But the Israelites start grumbling again, when they reach the bitter waters of Marah after not finding water for three days. But the Lord uses a natural object (a tree’s bark) to transform the bitter water into a sweet one.
He also gives the following 3 guidelines for those who want prevention, healing, and deliverance from the plagues and diseases:-
- listen to His commandments,
- obey His commandments, and
- do what is right according to Lord’s views.
Then, they reach the very fertile Elim.
Even though the Lord takes care of them, the Israelites persist in grumbling, especially when they reminiscence about the culinary delights at Egypt. The Lord listens to their grumblings, and sustains them in the desert, for 40 years, by sending the ‘daily bread’ (and not more) of manna and quails, of which only a specific amount should be collected (to see if the Israelites obey Him). More of Lord’s glory is shown to strengthen their faith.
The Lord takes care of our needs (spiritual, physical, and material), but provides only the essential amount of that which is absolutely indispensable, i.e He doesn’t give us more than we need. But even when times are tough, when our faith is buffeted, we should trust that He will provide for us- daily, monthly, and annually. In our lives, Jesus is our manna (as he says in John 6: 48-51).
Again, the Israelites complain when they reach a droughty place. Water is provided out of a rock when it was smote with Moses’ staff.
The question is whether they should have complained? Should they have trusted that the Lord will provide?
The power of the staff/prayer is again demonstrated in Joshua’s battle against Amalek.
Although he was not an Israelite, Jethro perceives God’s power, and makes burnt offerings. Jethro’s advices are heeded by Moses. Sometimes, God does use humans to guide us!
God protects and delivered us. But if we obey and keep God’s commandments, He will:
- consider us as a peculiar treasure over all the inhabitants of the world. For the earth is the Lord’s.
- make us into a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation.
The Lord’s presence makes any place holy.
God gives the Ten Commandments.
The first four commandments are about us loving the God who loves us. Our love for Him should be exclusive and reverential.
1. God delivered the Israelites out of slavery and a hopeless state (as for us, we have been delivered out of the slavery of sin and the disillusionment of a corporeal life). We should have no other gods apart from Him. Therefore, we should not worship other deities, nor should we have any influence/factors in our lives which occupies a higher position (than God).
2. We should not make any graven images (i.e any sculptures, resembling any object- alive or otherwise), worship (or even bow before it), or serve these. In our modern lives, we may not worship graven images, but their position might be occupied by anything (e.g. money, status) which we give much importance to.
3. We shouldn’t take the name of the Lord in vain (as someone who often exclaims ‘Oh my God’….. I feel quite guilty!).
4. We should remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
The next six commandments relate to our love for others- our parents, husbands/wives, and neighbours.
5. We should honour our father and mother, in order to get long life.
6. We should not murder.
7. We should not commit adultery.
8. We should not steal.
9. We should not give false witness.
10. We should not covet anything of anyone.
Jesus summarised the 10 commandments into two:
- Love the Lord,
- Love thy neighbour.
Labels: Egyptians, Israelites, Jethro, Joshua, Marah, Moses, Revelations, The Lord
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